By signing up for the AHU Program you agree to allow Media99 to change the listed holidays below on or during their listing dates. It is up to you, the client, to make sure your category is merchandised as desired before the specified listing dates.

The Listing dates specify the week in which the categories will be made live on your website.

Along with listing the category on your website Media99 will also choose a banner (if enabled on your site) related to the holiday being listed. You can change this banner at any time through SiteWorks.

The listed holidays will be removed the following day or first business day afterwards. There is no need to submit a ticket to have these holidays listed or removed from your website once you have enrolled.

These dates are also available on the homepage of SiteWorks. They will change yearly as needed and there is no need to re-enroll when the listing dates change.

To remove yourself from the program, please submit a ticket to the HelpDesk requesting this action.

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